It is easy to think that in order for people to take your initiative seriously, you have to be, well, serious. My general observation about life is that most people are happier, more open minded, and less defensive when they are having fun than when they are being serious. If people are smiling while participating in the change, it means they are enjoying it and will want to continue the experience! To influence change, make it fun!
Play and humor help with many aspects of change. Here are some of the things you can accomplish by adding fun:
- Gain attention
- Kick people out of their comfort zones
- Neutralize office politics
- Entice people to participate
- Make it memorable
- Increase creativity
You don’t have to be serious for people to take the change seriously. Fun will reinforce the change when it consistent and aligned with other messages. So add humor. Incorporate play. Include a game. Be silly. Make it fun!
How might you make your change initiative fun?
Read more of the 99 Ways to Influence Change.