In conversations, I often relate the task of implementing change to rolling a boulder uphill, or banging your head against the wall. Having been in that role, I know it often can feel that way.
Looking through past posts and articles, I realize I generally focus on the How of change, whether it’s methodologies, or what to think about, or how you can build up your own capacity to bring about change. These are all important things, considering what a formidable task change can be, but they are the means, not the ends.
I don’t want to lose sight of the fact that there is a reason for change, which generally is to bring about a better future. It’s the Why of change, the hope of eventual improvement, that drives you to continue and gives you the energy to take on the challenges and resistance. It’s the Why of change that tells you which obstacles must be overcome. It’s the Why of change that compels others to help you get it done.
So, when you feel like you’re banging your head against the wall, stop and reground yourself in the reason you’ve taken on the challenge in the first place. Clarify the purpose, reaffirm your hope, and adjust the path to get there if necessary.
What is your Why?