There's nothing more frustrating than to be given a goal by senior leadership only to realize that had they consulted …
For Change Agents: How to Be Resilient in the Face of Endless Obstacles
Although I've long been the host of the Influence Change at Work radio show, yesterday, I had the privilege of being the …
Whose Job Is It Anyway? A Checklist for Change Initiatives
Contrary to what some might think, the task of implementing change does not lie solely with the change manager, or …
Stakeholder Engagement – Inform, Influence or Involve?
A change in one area radiates out to the rest of the organization. Some groups are affected more than others. How do you …
How to Deal With Resistance to Change
Do you ever feel like you have to drag people through the mud by their hair to get them to change? That's the opening …
To Influence Change: Simultaneously Cause and Alleviate Discomfort
The status quo is the existing routine, the comfort zone. Change necessarily causes people to step out of their comfort …
Communicating the Value of Change Management
Over the last several years, there’s been a surge of new internal change management positions and departments within …
Interview: How to Deal With Difficult People
This month's guest, Dee Daley, is a business leader with a 20-plus year record of leading organizational change …
Six Underlying Reasons for Resistance
When we try to influence people to change, we’re likely to encounter someone exhibiting behaviors that make it seem as …